Live, learn, and explore Israel for a year before college.

Nativ, USCJ’s gap year program for Jewish high school graduates, is dedicated to creating and inspiring the Conservative Jewish leaders of tomorrow.

Nativ, which means “path” in Hebrew, provides a unique opportunity to explore new directions on the journey to becoming a Jewish adult.

From September to May, Nativ participants are immersed in the rich and diverse society of Israel, exploring the land and enjoying a vibrant Conservative Jewish lifestyle.

Why Choose Nativ?

42 Years Building & maintaining a strong, established & trustworthy program
92% Believe that Nativ prepared them for life on their college campus.
2,000+ Bogrei Nativ (Alumni)
63% Feel that Nativ helped them make informed Jewish decisions

What Our Alumni Are Saying

About to graduate high school?
Live, learn, make lifetime friends and explore Israel for an unforgettable year before college. Now accepting applications!