“Why Nativ? Nativ gave me friends for a life time, gave me direction on what kind of person I want to be and what I want to do, and two years after nativ that is proven because today I sat with a friend from nativ eating ice cream on an army base while we both serve in the IDF.”
— Ethan Padnos“Nativ allowed me to see Israel from a local’s perspective and truly engage with Israel in ways that no other gap year opportunity provides… Nativ was my opportunity to gain independence both socially and Jewishly that better prepared me to enter college the following year.”
— Josh Ull“Nativ has impacted my life in countless ways. Without Nativ I would never have met some of my best friends in the world, or experienced some of my all time favorite moments. But most importantly, Nativ gave me the time and space to really get to know myself and grow into a more cultured and confident individual.”
— Teri McGuire“Why do you need Nativ? Endless shawarma, beautiful mountains, constant adventure, living in the best cities in the world, the chance to learn and to teach, learn a new language, meet the most incredible people, be woken up every day by the Prime Minister, and live history. Did I mention endless shawarma? Asking why you need Nativ is kind of like asking why you need oxygen.”
— Scott Boxer“Nativ – Secret alleys, authentic cuisine, invigorating davening – Friends, Family, Home.”
— Josh Ull