“Nativ – Secret alleys, authentic cuisine, invigorating davening – Friends, Family, Home.”
— Josh Ull“Nativ allowed me to see Israel from a local’s perspective and truly engage with Israel in ways that no other gap year opportunity provides… Nativ was my opportunity to gain independence both socially and Jewishly that better prepared me to enter college the following year.”
— Josh Ull“I absolutely loved being able to study at the Conservative Yeshiva for the first semester of my time on Nativ. I was able to bond with 15 other Nativers, as well as meet other people who were spending a year in Israel studying for various reasons. Being able to learn Jewish text with people of all ages and stages in life was truly unforgettable.”
— Eliana Horwitz“Nativ 32 grounded my dreams in reality. It opened my eyes to the possibilities of my future, and reaffirmed in my mind that working in the Jewish world was not only something that I want to do, but that it is my destiny. I learned that the best teachers are not necessarily the ones who have an official certification, but are those who are passionate about what they are teaching, and are invested in the future.”
— JoHo“I am so grateful for the ways in which the Nativ College Leadership Program in Israel helped us cultivate friendships through meaningful Jewish experiences and encouraged us to continuously explore our relationship with Judaism.”
— Becca Levin, Nativ 31